Legal & privacy

Privacy statement (ENG)

1. Introduction

Huygens Quantitative Tax Consulting B.V. (Huygens) is an independent tax consulting firm. For our activities, we collect, hold, disclose and/or otherwise process personal data. Pursuant to applicable data protection and privacy legislation, Huygens qualifies as the controller with respect to the personal data that we process.

We value the right to privacy and strive to protect the personal data we collect and use in accordance with applicable data protection legislation and more specifically with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and its relevant domestic implementing legislation.

In this privacy statement (Privacy Statement) we will explain whose personal data we collect, what personal data we collect, how long we store personal data, how we collect personal data, for what purposes we use personal data and to whom personal data is disclosed by us. Further, this Privacy Statement includes important information regarding your rights with respect to the processing of your personal data.

From time to time, we may need to change this Privacy Statement. The most recent version of this Privacy Statement is available on our website: We will actively inform you on important changes to our Privacy Statement.

2. If you are a (potential) client of Huygens

2.1 What personal data do we collect and why?

2.1.1 General

All legal and financial services providers, including Huygens, are required to have certain information and/or documents regarding the identity of their clients at their disposal, pursuant to applicable laws. Therefore, as part of our client identification procedure, we collect certain personal data through a third party client onboarding tool. If our client is a legal entity or body, the following personal data of representatives of our clients and ultimate beneficial owners of our clients is collected:

Personal data


Name, date of birth, address, passport copies, position, qualification as ‘politically exposed person’ (PEP), excerpts of (public) registers.

To identify you, to verify whether you are an authorised representative of our client, to comply with our legal obligations to identify our clients and to report any unusual transactions (such as cash payments or transfers of funds to high-risk countries).

Important: if you provide us with personal data relating to another individual than yourself, for example of the ultimate beneficial owner of the company you are representing, please provide the relevant individual with this Privacy Statement and ensure that such individual has read and understood this Privacy Statement before providing us with such individual’s data.

We process this personal data on the ground of legal obligations to identify our clients and to report any unusual transactions (such as cash payments or transfers of money to high-risk countries).

2.1.2 Client relationship

In the context of our client relationship, we may process the following information relating to (contacts of) our clients:

Personal data


Name, company name, contact details, passport copies, signature samples, financial information, banking information, excerpts of registers (public or not).

To contact you, to open a file, to clear conflicts, to render our services to you, to send you our invoices, to match payments and claims, for management of the accounts payable, to collect or have collected debts, to send you flowers and new year’s greetings, to deal with possible complaints and disputes, for business continuity purposes, and to establish, defend and exercise our (legal) position.

We process this personal data to execute the services we render to our clients. This means that if the client is an individual, we base our processing on the necessity for the execution of the agreement entered with the data subject and if the client is a legal entity on our legitimate interests to execute the agreement entered with the client (which is not the data subject itself).

2.2. With whom do we share your personal data?

We may share your personal data with the Dutch Centre for Reporting Unusual Transactions (in Dutch: Meldpunt Ongebruikelijke Transacties), relevant tax authorities within the EU, and third parties, where this is required for the purposes as set out above or where these third parties assist us in this respect. The recipients of your personal data may be in countries outside the European Union (EU), which countries may offer a lower level of data protection than the country in which we are established. For example, we may need to engage a debt-collection agency established outside the EU when you or your company is based in a non-EU country. In such case, we will ensure that the required safeguards are taken, and we will, in most cases, adopt Standard Contractual Clauses (as approved by the European Commission).

2.3. How long do we store your data?

Generally, we will retain your personal data for the purposes as set forth above for 20 years after termination of our client relationship or the relevant file/matter.

3. If you give us your business card or otherwise provide your contact details

3.1. What personal data do we collect and why?

If you have provided your business card to (an employee or partner of) Huygens or otherwise provided us with your contact details, we may process your personal data, such as your name, contact details, company, position and your contact person at Huygens. We may use your personal data to contact you.

We have two legal bases for processing your personal data: our legitimate interest, which translates into our objective to communicate relevant (tax) developments and invite our contacts to events, and your consent (by actively providing your contact details to us for a certain purpose).

3.2. With whom do we share your personal data?

As a rule, we do not share your personal data as set out above with other parties. However, this may be different if we organize an event (whether in a country inside or outside the EU) and, hence, the host of our event is in such country. In such case, it shall be ensured that measures are taken to ensure adequate protection of your personal data in accordance with applicable data protection legislation. In case of non-EU situations, we will, generally, enter the Standard Contractual Clauses (as approved by the European Commission) with the recipient of your personal data.

4. If you email or otherwise contact Huygens

If you email or otherwise contact Huygens (for instance by mail or telephone), we may process certain personal data relating to you. This may include your name, telephone number, email address and the content of your email, mail, or other communication.

We will use this information to handle your email, mail or other communication and revert to such means of communication. Further, where relevant, your email, mail or other communication may be used to establish, exercise, and defend the legal position of our clients, may be included in our files, and may be used in legal proceedings.

All emails sent to and by our employees, are saved in our back-up files for 20 years for administration purposes and to establish, exercise and defend our legal position in the event of claims or disputes.

Further, all emails in the email accounts and files of our employees may be subject to monitoring or investigation by us. Such monitoring or investigation will be carried out by us in accordance with applicable laws and regulations and will be carried out regularly on a random basis and on a more targeted basis if we have any suspicion of (criminal) offences or other irregularities. In the context of such monitoring or investigation, your personal data may be processed, including your name, email address and the context of emails that you have sent to or that were forwarded to an employee of Huygens.

We may use these emails in legal proceedings. In view thereof, such emails may be shared with counterparties and courts and may also be shared with investigative services if criminal offences have been identified. Note that these parties may be established in countries outside the EU. These international transfers will in most cases be necessary for the establishment, exercise, or defence of a legal claim and in other cases, we will take the appropriate safeguards with the recipients.

The outcomes of such monitoring will be deleted as soon as no irregularities have been identified and if irregularities have been identified, as long as necessary to deal with these irregularities.

5. If you have applied for a job at Huygens

5.1 What personal data do we collect and why?

If you apply for a job at Huygens, we will process certain personal data relating to you.

Most of these personal data will be provided by yourself, for example your personal contact details and your curriculum vitae. We may also obtain personal data relating to you from other parties, such as employment agencies, head hunters, or selection firms. Further, we may obtain personal data relating to you from other sources, such as LinkedIn and/or other social media platforms. The overview below sets out the personal data collected about you from others, and the purpose of such collection:

Personal data


Name (initials), private address, private email address, private mobile telephone number.

To identify and correctly address you, to deal with possible complaints and to establish, defend and exercise Huygens’ (legal) position and to comply with the arrangements we have with employment agencies, head hunters and selection firms (if any).

Language, nationality, civil status, family status, gender.

To correctly address you.


To identify you.

Education, competencies, professional experience.

To determine whether you are suitable for and meet all relevant requirements for fulfilling the position you applied for, to deal with possible complaints and to establish, defend and exercise Huygens’ (legal) position and to comply with the arrangements we have with employment agencies, head hunters, and selection firms (if any).

Current salary.

To have an indication in the salary that we may offer you, to deal with possible complaints and to establish, defend and exercise Huygens’ (legal) position and to comply with the arrangements we have with employment agencies, head hunters, and selection firms (if any).

Outcomes of personality, IQ, and other tests that you may have to take as part of our application and selection procedure, job interview notes.

To determine whether you are suitable for and meet all relevant requirements for fulfilling the position you applied for and fit in Huygens’ company culture, to deal with possible complaints and to establish, defend and exercise Huygens’ (legal) position and to comply with the arrangements we have with employment agencies, head hunters, and selection firms (if any).

We process these personal data to take steps at the request of a data subject prior to entering a contract. Further, considering the nature of our services, we have legitimate interests to process these personal data to ensure that we hire competent and honourable personnel and to deal with possible complaints or claims relating to our application and selection procedure.

5.2. With whom do we share your personal data?

We may use third party service providers for certain parts of our application and selection procedure (such as personality and IQ tests). Where relevant, we will share your personal data with these service providers. In case of third parties based outside the EU, we will, generally, enter the Standard Contractual Clauses (as approved by the European Commission) with the recipient of your personal data.

5.3 How long do we store your personal data?

Your personal data will be kept during our application and selection procedure and will be kept for 4 weeks after completion thereof, unless the applicant has indicated that the data may be kept for a longer period.

6. If you provide goods or services to Huygens

6.1. What personal data do we collect and why?

If you, or your employer, provide goods or services to us, we may collect certain personal data relating to you. Most of these personal data will be provided by yourself, for example, your name, e-mail address and position. This information may be included in the contract that we have with you or your employer.

We use the information to process and handle incoming invoices, to book invoices on matters in order to bill these to clients, to create a balance sheet and an overview of profits and losses, to file tax returns, to create internal financial reports, and to arrange for an audit by an accountant.

The basis for the handling of invoices is the performance of our contract with you, or because we have a legitimate interest in performing the contract with your employer. The basis for booking the incoming invoices to clients is the legitimate interest in charging our clients for the services provided. The basis for creating a balance sheet and an overview of profits and losses, and to create internal reports on finances, is because we are legally obliged to do so and because we have an interest in administering our finances. The filing of tax claims and the performance of an audit by an accountant is done because we are legally obliged to do so.

6.2. With whom do we share your personal data?

We may share your personal data with our clients, if the services provided by you to Huygens relate to a specific matter in which Huygens involved you as part of the service performed by Huygens to a client.

We may also share your personal data with other third-parties, e.g., other financial services providers, if these are involved on the same matter or have reasons to contact you for business purposes.

The recipients of your personal data may be in countries outside the EU, which countries may offer a lower level of data protection than the country in which we are established. In such case, we will ensure that the required safeguards are taken, and we will, in most cases, adopt Standard Contractual Clauses (as approved by the European Commission).

6.3. How long do we store your personal data?

We retain invoices we receive and the contracts with suppliers, including contact details of suppliers, for a minimum of seven years. Other personal data provided by you we will in general retain for the purposes as set forth above for 20 years after termination of our supplier relationship or the relevant file/matter.

7. Use of processors

We use “Processors” to help us in the context of our activities. Such Processors receive personal data from us, which they process on our instructions. The Processors that we engage for processing the personal data of and/or related to (potential) clients are:




Cloud hosting

The Netherlands

This organisation has its registered office

within the EU and must therefore comply

with the GDPR and relevant domestic implementing legislation.

Client acceptance

The Netherlands

This organisation has its registered office

within the EU and must therefore comply

with the GDPR and relevant domestic implementing legislation.

Client administration

The Netherlands

This organisation has its registered office

within the EU and must therefore comply

with the GDPR and relevant domestic implementing legislation.

Financial administration

The Netherlands

This organisation has its registered office

within the EU and must therefore comply

with the GDPR and relevant domestic implementing legislation.

We have entered into data processing agreements with these Processors. These Processors will not use the personal data for their own purposes.

8. Cookies

Huygens Quantitative Tax Consulting B.V. only uses technical and functional cookies. A cookie is a small text file that is stored on your computer, tablet or smartphone when you first visit this website. The cookies we use are necessary for the technical functioning of the website and your ease of use. You can unsubscribe from cookies by configuring your internet browser in such a way that it no longer saves any cookies. In addition, you can delete all information previously stored using your browser settings.

9. Data protection and security

It is essential that the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our client information and other personal data is always preserved by managing the risks to which they are exposed in accordance with applicable legal/regulatory requirements and internal standards. In view hereof, we have engaged an ISO/IEC 27001 certified service provider to meet the highest standards of data protection and security.

10. Your rights and how to invoke them

You may object to the processing of your personal data by us. Under certain circumstances you have the right to ask us to rectify or delete your personal data, to restrict the processing of your personal data by us and to receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format and to (have) transmit(ted) your personal data to another organisation.

If you have any questions, comments, or complaints in relation to this Privacy Statement or the access to and/or processing of your personal data by us, please feel free to contact your regular contact within our firm or send an email to

Finally, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Dutch Data Protection Authority. You can find the contact details of this authority on their website:

Version: January 2022

General terms and conditions (ENG)



  1. These are the general terms and conditions of Huygens Quantitative Tax Consulting B.V. (Huygens, we, our or us). These general terms and conditions apply to all services we perform for our clients (client, clients, you or your).
  2. Huygens is a limited liability company with its statutory seat in Amsterdam and registered with the Trade Register (Handelsregister) of the Chamber of Commerce (Kamer van Koophandel) in the Netherlands under number 84712368.
  3. In providing our services we involve persons directly or indirectly affiliated with Huygens (Affiliated Persons). Affiliated Persons include any (former) employees, other staff, counsels, shareholders, partners, subsidiaries and affiliated entities (and their (former) employees etc.).
  4. These general terms and conditions also apply to Affiliated Persons. Everything that is determined in these general terms and conditions for the benefit of Huygens also counts as an irrevocable third-party clause (onherroepelijk derdenbeding) within the meaning of article 6:253 of the Dutch Civil Code (Burgerlijk Wetboek), for the benefit of Affiliated Persons.


  1. We reserve the right not to provide any services, for instance based on conflict checks, client checks and matter acceptance checks.
  2. Only Huygens (and not any Affiliated Person) can be held liable.
  3. Our services are rendered exclusively for your benefit. Any result produced by us in relation to our services may not be disclosed to anyone (other than client’s auditor) without our prior written consent.
  4. Articles 7:404, 7:407 paragraph 2 and 7:409 of the Dutch Civil Code (Burgerlijk Wetboek) do not apply.
  5. We shall be authorized to engage persons, other than Affiliated Persons (Delegates), if such engagement is desirable for the provision of our services. Delegates include other counsel, bailiffs, experts and translators. You will be bound by the terms of engagement agreed by us with such Delegate. We are not liable for any damages caused by Delegates and Delegates may rely on clauses 21 through 24 and 29 through 31 of these general terms and conditions.
  6. Huygens is not responsible for payment of Delegates and it shall request Delegates to submit their invoices directly to clients. Under certain circumstances, Huygens may pay these invoices on behalf of clients. Payments made to third parties on behalf of clients, are charged to clients as incurred.
  7. You may terminate our engagement at any time by giving written notice. We may terminate the engagement by written notice taking into account a notice period. If Huygens determines that providing its services may contravene any law, regulation or professional rule, Huygens may terminate an engagement with a client with immediate effect.
  8. You owe the fees for the work that we carried out, including the work required to transfer the matter to you or a third party, when our engagement terminates

Fees and invoicing

  1. We render our services on a time spent basis in accordance with our hourly rates increased with any out-of-pocket expenses (such as travel costs and costs of Delegates), unless agreed otherwise. Our hourly rates are redetermined from time to time and differ per Affiliated Person. All amounts invoiced or mentioned by Huygens are exclusive of VAT and exclusive of any other tax, surcharge or similar increase that a client or Huygens is obliged to pay under applicable laws or regulations or that Huygens is obliged to charge.
  2. Our invoices are in principle issued on a monthly basis, in Euro and will be sent to you either electronically or by mail. Invoices are payable by bank transfer within thirty days of the date of the invoice.

Reporting obligations, due diligence and anti-money laundering

  1. You undertake to provide us with any information and documents we request in order to satisfy our obligations under the applicable laws as same are applied in accordance with our internal policies and procedures.
  2. Pursuant to applicable law, we may be obliged to provide certain information to public bodies, such as the government or tax authorities. This encompasses, among other things, our reporting obligations under the Dutch Act on Prevention of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing and under Council Directive (EU) 2018/822 regarding reportable cross-border arrangements.

Data and privacy

  1. We will process certain personal data, including personal data relating to you, your representatives, employees, ultimate beneficial owners and contact persons as well as other personal data that you provide to us. For further information about the way we process personal data, we refer to our privacy statement available on our website: You undertake to provide a copy of the latest version of our privacy statement to persons other than yourself if you provide personal data to us of those other persons.
  2. We may use digital services whether or not offered by third parties, including digital communication services, applications and/or databases to share or store data (including anonymized information on transactions in which you were involved), e-discovery, automated due diligence or other applications which allow data to be searched, analysed, stored, processed or translated automatically or with the use of artificial intelligence or other software. As a result, data may be transferred to servers controlled by third parties. We are not liable for any acts and/or omissions of these third parties or for any damage or loss ensuing from the use of these digital services. We are authorized to accept, for ourselves and/or on behalf of the client, the conditions of such third parties or of the provider of digital services, including any limitations of liability, and to invoke these conditions against you.
  3. We retain electronic and/or hardcopy files during the period that is determined by our professional practice standards and applicable laws. After that period, we may destroy such files.
  4. You consent to us sharing information, including confidential information, with Affiliated Persons and Delegates for the purposes set forth in clause 9, subject to their observance of any applicable confidentiality obligations.


  1. Our liability is limited to the lower of (i) three times the fees invoiced and paid by you under the relevant matter, excluding VAT and any other tax, surcharge or similar increase, or (ii) EUR 250,000.
  2. Huygens is in no event liable for indirect or consequential damages, which at least includes loss of turnover, loss of profit and delay damages.
  3. We shall not be liable to third parties for any services provided. You shall indemnify and hold us, any Affiliated Person, and any Delegates harmless against all third-party claims related to the provision of our services and against all costs incurred by us in relation to such claims, insofar as these claims and costs are greater than or different from those to which we would be liable pursuant to these terms and conditions. For the sake of clarity, third parties include any persons related to you.
  4. Claims for compensation of damage will expire six months after the date on which you became aware or could reasonably have been aware of the damage and the possible liability of Huygens for such damage.


  1. Huygens is authorized to amend these general conditions from time to time, without prior notice. The amended general conditions are applicable to all following legal relationships with clients.
  2. These general terms and conditions have been drafted in the Dutch and English languages, and are also available to download via: The Dutch text of these general terms and conditions shall prevail in the event of any ambiguity or any differences between the English text and the Dutch text.
  3. In the event of any discrepancies between any provision of the general terms and conditions and any provision of the engagement letter of Huygens, the provision of the engagement letter shall prevail.
  4. The general terms and conditions of our clients or any third party, if any, do not apply and are expressly rejected.

Disputes, applicable law, and jurisdiction

  1. Services performed by our tax advisors and registered valuators are subject to the respective professional practice rules (beroepsregels) of the Dutch Association of Tax Advisers (NOB) and the Dutch Institute for Registered Valuators (NiRV).
  2. The relationship between you and us is governed by the laws of the Netherlands. This includes all relationships of both contractual and non-contractual origin.
  3. The court in Amsterdam has exclusive jurisdiction to hear any dispute between you and us

Version: January 2022

Algemene voorwaarden (NL)


  1. Dit zijn de algemene voorwaarden van Huygens Quantitative Tax Consulting B.V. (Huygens, wij, onze of ons). Deze algemene voorwaarden zijn van toepassing op alle diensten die wij aan onze cliënten (cliënt, cliënten, u of uw) verlenen.
  2. Huygens is een besloten vennootschap met beperkte aansprakelijkheid, statutair gevestigd te Amsterdam en ingeschreven in het handelsregister van de Kamer van Koophandel onder nummer 84712368.
  3. Bij het verlenen van onze diensten schakelen wij personen in die direct of indirect met Huygens verbonden zijn (Gelieerde Personen). Onder Gelieerde Personen wordt onder meer verstaan (voormalige) werknemers, overig personeel, adviseurs, aandeelhouders, partners, dochterondernemingen en gelieerde entiteiten (en hun (voormalige) werknemers etc.).
  4. Deze algemene voorwaarden zijn ook van toepassing op Gelieerde Personen. Al hetgeen in deze algemene voorwaarden ten behoeve van Huygens is bepaald, geldt tevens als een onherroepelijk derdenbeding in de zin van artikel 6:253 van het Burgerlijk Wetboek, ten behoeve van Gelieerde Personen.


  1. Wij behouden ons het recht voor geen diensten te verlenen, bijvoorbeeld op basis van een conflict check en cliënt- en zaakacceptatieprocedures.
  2. Uitsluitend Huygens kan aansprakelijk worden gehouden (en bijvoorbeeld niet een Gelieerd Persoon).
  3. Onze diensten worden uitsluitend te uwer behoeve verleend. Elk resultaat dat door ons in verband met onze diensten wordt geproduceerd, mag zonder onze voorafgaande schriftelijke toestemming met niemand (anders dan de auditor van cliënt) worden gedeeld.
  4. De artikelen 7:404, 7:407, tweede lid en 7:409 van het Burgerlijk Wetboek zijn niet van toepassing.
  5. Wij zijn bevoegd om personen, niet zijnde Gelieerde Personen (Gedelegeerden), in te schakelen als dit wenselijk is voor onze dienstverlening. Onder Gedelegeerden wordt onder meer verstaan: andere adviseurs, deurwaarders, deskundigen en vertalers. U bent gebonden aan de voorwaarden die wij met een dergelijke Gedelegeerde overeenkomen. Wij zijn niet aansprakelijk voor enige schade veroorzaakt door Gedelegeerden en Gedelegeerden kunnen zich beroepen op de artikelen 22 tot en met 25 en 30 tot en met Error! Reference source not found. van deze algemene voorwaarden.
  6. Huygens is niet verantwoordelijk voor betaling van Gedelegeerden en zal Gedelegeerden verzoeken hun facturen rechtstreeks bij cliënten in te dienen. Onder bepaalde omstandigheden kan Huygens deze facturen namens cliënten voldoen. Betalingen die namens cliënten aan derden worden gedaan, worden aan cliënten in rekening gebracht wanneer zij worden gemaakt.
  7. U kunt onze dienstverlening te allen tijde door schriftelijke opzegging beëindigen. Wij kunnen de opdracht beëindigen door schriftelijke opzegging met inachtneming van een opzegtermijn. Indien Huygens vaststelt dat het verlenen van haar diensten in strijd kan zijn met enige wet, voorschrift of beroepsregel, kan Huygens een opdracht aan een cliënt met onmiddellijke ingang beëindigen.
  8. U bent het honorarium verschuldigd voor de door ons verrichte werkzaamheden, met inbegrip van de werkzaamheden die nodig zijn om de zaak aan u of aan een derde over te dragen, wanneer onze opdracht eindigt.

Honorarium en declaraties

  1. Wij declareren onze diensten op basis van de bestede tijd volgens onze uurtarieven vermeerderd met eventuele uitgaven (zoals reiskosten en kosten van Gedelegeerden), tenzij anders overeengekomen. Onze uurtarieven worden van tijd tot tijd opnieuw vastgesteld en verschillen per Gelieerd Persoon. Alle door Huygens gefactureerde of vermelde bedragen zijn exclusief btw en exclusief enige andere belasting, toeslag of soortgelijke verhoging die een cliënt of Huygens op grond van toepasselijke wet- of regelgeving verschuldigd is of die Huygens in rekening dient te brengen.
  2. Wij factureren elektronisch of schriftelijk, in beginsel op maandelijkse basis en in euro. Facturen dienen per bankoverschrijving en binnen dertig dagen na de factuurdatum te zijn voldaan.

Rapportageverplichtingen, cliëntonderzoek en anti-witwasmaatregelen

  1. U verbindt zich ertoe ons alle informatie en documenten te verstrekken die wij verzoeken teneinde te voldoen aan onze verplichtingen uit hoofde van de toepasselijke wet- en regelgeving, ons interne beleid en onze procedures.
  2. Op grond van wettelijke voorschriften die op ons van toepassing zijn, kunnen wij verplicht zijn bepaalde informatie te verstrekken aan autoriteiten, zoals de overheid of de Belastingdienst. Dit omvat onder andere onze rapportageverplichtingen op grond van de Wet ter voorkoming van witwassen en financieren van terrorisme en op grond van Richtlijn (EU) 2018/822 inzake meldingsplichtige grensoverschrijdende constructies.

Gegevens en privacy

  1. Wij zullen bepaalde persoonsgegevens verwerken, waaronder persoonsgegevens met betrekking tot u, uw vertegenwoordigers, werknemers, uiteindelijk belanghebbenden en contactpersonen, alsmede andere persoonsgegevens die u ons verstrekt. Voor meer informatie over de manier waarop wij persoonsgegevens verwerken, verwijzen wij naar onze privacyverklaring die beschikbaar is op onze website: U verbindt zich ertoe een kopie van onze privacyverklaring aan andere personen dan uzelf, indien u persoonsgegevens van deze personen aan ons verstrekt.
  2. Wij kunnen gebruik maken van al dan niet door derden aangeboden digitale diensten, zoals digitale communicatie, toepassingen waarbij informatie digitaal kan worden gedeeld of opgeslagen, e-discovery, geautomatiseerde due diligence, of andere toepassingen waarbij informatie al dan niet geautomatiseerd of met (intelligente) software kan worden doorzocht, geanalyseerd, opgeslagen, verwerkt of vertaald. Daarbij kan informatie worden overgebracht naar servers die onder beheer staan van derden. Wij zijn niet aansprakelijk voor enig handelen of nalaten van deze derden of voor schade die voortvloeit uit enig gebruik van digitale diensten. Wij zijn bevoegd namens de cliënt en/of onszelf de voorwaarden van deze derden of van de aanbieder van digitale diensten, inclusief eventuele aansprakelijkheidsbeperkingen, te aanvaarden en deze aan u tegen te werpen.
  3. Wij bewaren elektronische en papieren dossiers gedurende de periode waartoe wij verplicht zijn onder de op ons toepasselijke beroepsregels en wetgeving. Na deze periode kunnen wij deze dossiers vernietigen.
  4. U stemt ermee in dat wij (vertrouwelijke) informatie delen met Gelieerde Personen en Gedelegeerden voor de in artikel 10 genoemde doeleinden, op voorwaarde dat zij de toepasselijke geheimhoudingsverplichtingen in acht nemen.


  1. Onze aansprakelijkheid is beperkt tot het laagste van (i) driemaal de aan u gefactureerde en door u betaalde honorarium voor de diensten die onder de opdracht zijn verleend, exclusief btw en enige andere belasting, toeslag of soortgelijke verhoging, of (ii) EUR 250.000.
  2. Huygens is in geen geval aansprakelijk voor indirecte of gevolgschade, waaronder in ieder geval wordt verstaan omzetderving, winstderving en vertragingsschade.
  3. Wij zijn niet aansprakelijk jegens derden voor enige geleverde diensten. U vrijwaart ons, Gelieerde Personen en Gedelegeerden tegen alle aanspraken van derden die verband houden met of samenhangen met de door ons, Gelieerde Personen en Gedelegeerden aan u verleende diensten en de door ons gemaakte kosten als gevolg van dergelijke aanspraken, voor zover deze aanspraken en kosten hoger zijn dan of verschillen van die waarvoor wij op grond van deze algemene voorwaarden aansprakelijk zouden zijn. Onder derden zijn mede begrepen personen die aan u gelieerd zijn.
  4. Aanspraken op schadevergoeding vervallen zes maanden na de datum waarop u bekend werd of redelijkerwijs bekend had kunnen zijn met de schade en de eventuele aansprakelijkheid van Huygens voor deze schade.


  1. Huygens is gerechtigd deze algemene voorwaarden van tijd tot tijd, zonder voorafgaande kennisgeving, te wijzigen. De gewijzigde algemene voorwaarden zijn van toepassing op alle volgende rechtsverhoudingen met cliënten.
  2. Deze algemene voorwaarden zijn opgesteld in de Nederlandse en Engelse taal, en zijn tevens te downloaden via: De Nederlandse tekst van deze algemene voorwaarden prevaleert in geval van onduidelijkheid of verschillen tussen de Engelse tekst en de Nederlandse tekst.
  3. In geval van tegenstrijdigheid tussen enige bepaling in de algemene voorwaarden en enige bepaling in de opdrachtbevestiging van Huygens, prevaleert de bepaling in de opdrachtbevestiging.
  4. De algemene voorwaarden van onze cliënten of eventuele derden zijn niet van toepassing en worden uitdrukkelijk van de hand gewezen.

Geschillen, toepasselijk recht en bevoegde rechter

  1. Op de dienstverlening door onze belastingadviseurs en register valuators zijn de beroepsregels van respectievelijk de Nederlandse Orde van Belastingadviseurs (NOB) en het Nederlands Instituut voor Register Valuators (NiRV) van toepassing.
  2. Alle rechtsbetrekkingen tussen u en ons worden beheerst door Nederlands recht. Dit betreft zowel rechtsbetrekkingen van contractuele als niet-contractuele aard.
  3. De rechtbank in Amsterdam is exclusief bevoegd kennis te nemen van geschillen tussen u en ons.

Versie. Januari 2022


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